Kidsread – Creating a “Spotify for childrens books” from zero to release in 3 months
With Kidsread the goal was to create a releasable MVP (Minimal Viable Product) of a simple app for iPad and iPhone where you pay a monthly subscription to read an unlimited amount of childrens books.
Basicly “a Spotify for childrens books” where kids and parents can read any book available in the app whenever they want. Kidsread is very convenient when going on trips or if you get bored of the books you already have at home.

The Kidsread app was also targeting schools and pre-schools as a way of quickly getting subscription volumes.
Within a limited time and with a tight budget Glauser Creative created the brand, ui and ux for the iOS app, backend, a simple website and an app for iPhone and iPad.
The MVP enabled the founders to get their first paying customers and raise their first round. Read more on the website.