Practice what you preach – and don’t forget to eat your own dog food
No matter what you are doing. Working as a consultant, running a startup, creating an app, developing a product or launching a new food brand. Try to practice what you preach.
It’s easy to be in development mode and just think about what you do from the inside out. But take a moment from time to time and take a step outside what you do and try to look at it from the outside.
Ask yourself these questions:
If I saw something in the wild the first time and had no connection to it;
- Would I understand it?
- Would I use it?
- Would I love it?
- Would I recommend it?
If not, then you need to change something, or you might just not be the target group.
If you are developing a product that can be used regularly then you really should try to be one of its users.
“Eat your own dog food”
Probably not said by a dog food maker
If its outside your zone of interest or comfort then you either need to do something else or find someone who would use it and try to walk in their shoes.
If you are a consultant and tell other people what to do, like I do from time to time. Then make sure that you practise what you preach.
Here are some things I try to think of for my business:
- Clear branding, a clear and bold logo that emphasizes what I do – if you look carefully at the G in Glauser Creative its also looks a bit like a spinner or loading symbol. In my work I often have to startup or re-ignite brands and products.
- A good and usable website (this one) where I try to write posts like this one when I have some time over (rarely) so people can read my thoughts about innovation, design and more if they are interested.
- Social media presence – I have to admit I could be better at this, but it takes time.
- A clear description of what I do and how I can help others.
- Quick and easy ways to contact me. Sending an email to oskar@glauser.com is the easiest way.
- I try to test new innovative products and technologies. Being quite an early adopter. I was a early user of the iPhone, iPad and Tesla cars amongst other stuff. I even tried some of the first VR systems a long time ago.
- I read a lot about innovation, design, the future and ideas. Always trying to learn new things I can apply in my work, challenging myself.
- I try to optimize as many things around me as I can. Using for example automated book keeping with Wint.
I have seen a lot of examples from big companies, smart people and really great startups that have forgotten these things. I know it’s not easy and time is limited. But some things are so easy to do so there is hardly an excuse for not doing them.
Things like having a brand that emphasizes what you do and your strengths. Have a nice looking and professional website. Make your message clear and repeat that everywhere.
What are you waiting for? The dog food is getting cold and your audience is getting tired. Hurry up!